Saturday, August 8, 2009

More Like 'I Hope They Serve Beer In... Your Mom'! Burn.


Above is the trailer for I Hope They Serve Beer In Hell. It releases September 25 across the country.

The film is based off the NY Times Bestselling novel of the same name written by Tucker Max. (Link goes to website. Did I just blow your mind?) It is a collection of short stories about his drunken antics in college and beyond. Tucker, along with friend Nils Parker, adapted the book to a screenplay and sold the script to an independent studio (Darko Entertainment), retaining creative control as well as a director's credit.

Let's go over that again: Tucker Max wrote and produced this film, which is based on his bestselling novel about his life. I couldn't be more jealous of that if I tried.

To promote the film, Tucker started a production blog, where for roughly the last 18 months, he has been chronicling the process of producing the film, from hiring a director and casting roles, down to video interviews with the lowliest gaffer on the set.

And now, with the final print finished and the movie set to release in a little less than two months, Tucker is taking the film on a "Premiere Tour," as he calls it, visiting 32 cities to screen the movie to a limited audience. People who attend the screening get to see the film early, which includes a Q&A session with Tucker and Nils, and a swag bag filled with film merch. All for ten bucks.

Pretty sweet, right? Well guess what else: The first stop is in Portland. And I got tickets.

I'm not gonna lie to you: I'm a little afraid that this is going to suck. On the surface, Tucker's writing describes the kind of douchebag fratboy idiocy that I think most civilized people hate. Plus, the stories come off as severely embellished (Tucker vehemently insists that they're all true, but what else would he say?). But it's told with such a brilliant tone, and so out-and-out funny, that you really can't help but like it. That said, I'm definitely wary of the possibility of, once this is committed to celluloid, that it's just going to come off as a 90-minute Real World episode.

But hey, it sounds like fun, and I've followed it this far. May as well see this ride to its conclusion.


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